Monday, November 10, 2014

Age of Ultron Trailer Review

If you haven't seen the trailer yet.  Here you go.

You're welcome.

I prefer the extended version of the trailer 'though because of the beginning.

It seems to tell a little bit more of the story of what's going on.  I'm assuming Tony started tinkering and didn't know when to stop and that somehow made his suits / computer go power crazy and take on a life of their own.
Just for your information I do know my comics and yes I know Ultron was originally created by Dr. Pym, but when has any of the new Marvel movies stuck exactly with the original story?  Even the first Iron Man movie there were differences.  For one Stark was Iron Man for some time before coming up against Obadiah Stane / Iron Monger, Obadiah actually owned a different company before that and renamed Stark International as Stane International when he did, and when Iron Man did defeat Iron Monger Stane blew his own brains out.
But enough about that.  I just wanted to prove I knew what I was talking about.
Back to discussing the trailer...
This is one of them that I wondered if they would ever get around to doing.  I also really hope it's in it for longer than two seconds like all the cameos of all Tony's suits in Iron Man 3.  I mean come on.  Each suit can only handle one punch and they burst into a million pieces, just because the guy was kinda hot?  And yet before that an older suit was able to withstand and actually absorbed a lightning blast from Thor?  Why didn't it fry everything?

Also when watching the extended trailer, in the beginning scene, something I realized: the only one who came close to lifting Thor's hammer.  I realized it wasn't because of Cap's super strength that he budged the hammer, strength has nothing to do with it, but remember why he was chosen to receive the super soldier serum?  It's because of his good, worthy, heart.  Just giving someone super powers is not a thing to be taken lightly.  You would want to chose well: someone who wouldn't abuse their new powers and use them for evil, but instead someone who would always use them for the good of others and to protect the innocent.  That's why Steve was able to move Mjölnir.

This geek moment brought to you by the Phantom.


And I have to say just the music playing in the background in context with Ultron, this made one of the creepiest Marvel trailers I have ever seen.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My Fandom Predictions are the BEST! Sorry but they are, and this proves it!

This weeks Doctor Who episode Dark Water.  Wow.  I knew I was good with my theories but wow.  I didn't realize I was that close!  I so called it!  But even then.  What a plot twist!  Good work Moffat, I really wasn't expecting that but now that I see how close I was and the whole name thing I don't see how I couldn't have seen that one coming.
For those of you who haven't been following my blog, back in September after the first two episodes had aired I had written a post on theories about who Missy was.  Read the post here.
When it got to this:

Dread filled my stomach and I just prayed: "Please don't let it be Susan.  It can't be Susan.  It can't be like this."
As much as I would love for Susan to return I don't think I could handle it if she had turned evil.

So here we are at the last of the season.  I can't wait to see what they're going to do for the finale and I'll be waiting very impatiently for season nine.  My little brother was a little bit worried and started to worry me too when he asked: "they're not going to kill off the Doctor again are they?"  I said no, but then I started thinking about it and thought: you know I have no idea.  It would be just like them to pull off a surprise death and they only had planned on having Capaldi be in just the one season and they've already got somebody new picked out.  While I hope that's not the case it is a possibility.  Christopher Eccleston only had one season.  Paul McGann only had the movie even though they had planned on that just being the introduction to a reboot of the series and he was going to take over as the Doctor for a while on TV.  Sadly this never happened but I'm glad it turned out just how it did.  Still I would have liked to see my first Doctor (8) in more than just the movie and short show.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Star Trek TNG Cosplay

This week my work is having different themed costume days so of course I can't turn down the opportunity to cosplay, EVER.  Well one of the days is 80's themed, but of course with my geek back ground and my ability to think outside the box... I'm going as a star fleet officer.  I wanted to do a Next Generation uniform since that came out in the eighties and it is my all time favorite Trek series.  But the Next Gen uniforms are a little more complex than TOS (the original series, for those of you who don't speak in acronyms).


While the original may be much more simple and easy to throw together I still really wanted to go in Next Gen uniform.  Well I believe I found the solution how to make the uniform cheap and it will only take a little bit longer to make than the other.  It would probably only take one night.  I intend to find out just how long it takes.  I've already gathered my supplies in one trip to the store and am going to put it all together as soon as I get home.  I'm hoping to do it in a video tutorial which I will also be posting to YouTube some time within the next week.

Also while I was searching the internet getting good details of the uniforms for my costume I stumbled across this:
I found it on Etsy for $20 and had to buy it.  I'm going to make this later when I have more time but for now I'll work on the quick, easy, and cheap one.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Want to be in the Superman Vs. Batman movie?

Awesome news for those of you who live in Michigan!  You could be an extra in the new Superman vs. Batman movie.  Click on the link below for more details.  I know I am totally applying for this.  Can you imagine the bragging rights if you got this gig?  "Yeah I was in that movie.  Yep that's me right there about to be crushed by that asteroid / flaming tanker truck."

Monday, September 1, 2014

Doctor Who and the Guardians of the Galaxy Review

I know I said last time I was going to give you guys my Sherlock theory but that was accidentally deleted.  So while I'm working on re-typing the whole thing I thought I would write a quick review on both the new Doctor Who and Guardians of the Galaxy.

In case you didn't know already I am a huge Marvel fan.  Iron Man has been my all time favorite superhero when I was growing up, I only watched the first movie five billion times in the first month it came out.  And another favorite comic series of mine as a kid was Guardians of the Galaxy (Rocket is the best)!  I was super geeked when I first saw the commercial for it.  I went and saw it the day after it came out in theatres and then again with my sister last saturday.  I really enjoyed it for the fact that it was a little more comedic than most Marvel movies.  Unfortunately, because of this, my sister (not a Marvel fan, or a geek at all in any way) commented while we sat through the credits that she thought it was rather "cheesy."  She just took it for granted that being a Marvel movie it was going to be more serious, with your average team of superheroes going around saving lives.  I forgot that she had no clue who the Guardians were.  And when we watched the extra clip after the credits (which I won't tell you what it was, you'll have to watch the movie for yourself) she was completely lost.  I don't blame her for that last one though.
I thought it was pretty good.  I wasn't too disappointed with it since they hadn't been building up to this movie making obvious references to it in other movies (like the Avengers).  Sorry but I was expecting a lot more out of the Avengers than that.  With as long as we were kept waiting for it and all the movies leading up to it.  Ugh!  Sorry.  Still not over that one.

Doctor Who season eight, review of episode one:
I love the new Doctor!  What did I say guys?  I don't know why everyone was so worked up about Peter Capaldi playing Twelve.  If Steven Moffat was even partially responsible for helping choose the next Doctor I wasn't even remotely worried.  Lots of people were concerned he was too old.  Peter commented that if you think about it, he's too young to play the part if you want to get all technical.  Then some were worried when Moffat said the new Doctor was going to be a little bit rude.  So what?  Look at the other Doctors.

And what about Sherlock?  He's a douchebag, and everyone loves him.
Now we have proof: Peter Capaldi plays an absolutely brilliant Doctor.  All you fan girls that were only in the fandom for the young hot guys playing the Doctor can either realize the true nature of the Doctor or leave.  Don't let the door hit you on the way out.  Who am I kidding?  I hope you trip down the stairs and fall on your dainty little butts / face.
I was especially happy with the first episode.  It was extra long, with references to the tenth Doctor and there were several moments when he really reminded me of Four.
Plus a giant Dinosaur in the middle of London?

How can you beat that?
I'm really looking forward to the rest of this season and lots more before we get a new Doctor.

Quick theories on who or what Missy is:
For those of you who haven't seen episode one or two yet, this will make no sense, so go watch the show.  For those of you that have... I haven't read too much about anyone else theories and the ones that I have don't seem to make much sense; Some people think she might be Madame Kovarian somehow in a different form, or an evil version of Clara.  Like I said: not a lot of sense.  Based on the few seconds we see her in the end of both episodes my first guess was maybe she's a Time Lady possible someone like Rani.  Short version for those of you who don't know Classic Who she was a rival Time Lady, evil genius, basically the female equivalent of the Master.  She could have used her TARDIS to materialize around Gretchen just before the Dalek antibodies got her and she could have easily fixed the clockwork robot.  The garden that they both woke up in could very well be part of her TARDIS.  Maybe she's recruiting people who might have a grudge against the Doctor.
My other theory is based on this picture I accidentally found.

So my guess based on this is that those people basically are dead and only their brains were saved to put in the cyber men.  They're basically creating a fake world for themselves because the reality of what they've become is to harsh, and Missy is either the person making them or is someone like Miss Hartigan from The Next Doctor.

Until next time.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hello Again!

It's seems like forever and a day that I've written something on here.  Even though I haven't been writing I've been keeping up with the news and you've probably all heard this too but I still want to mention these really quick.  First of all we've gotten a glimpse of the new Avengers movie and right off we know who the villain is (the last movie I thought they were going to do something a little bit more than Loki with a bunch of aliens).

And since it's Ultron I'm guessing they might include Ant Man (aka Dr. Pym), Ultrons creator.  There was talk about an Ant Man movie but it comes out, but since Avengers 2 is scheduled to come out in May 2015 and Ant Man at the end of July '15 I'm not sure how that will work.  Maybe he's just alluded to in the Avengers and then you finally get his story in the Ant Man movie.  That's my guess any way.  I have several other theories but I based on what they've done in past movies this seems the most likely.

Want to read more about the upcoming Ant Man movie?  Click here.

Also possibly coming out next year...
With a gap of about two years in between seasons fans of the show were not hopeful of getting the next episode before the end of 2015.  However Martin Freeman hinted at there being a holiday special in December next year.  The news of the special was confirmed by Moffat (although I'm not sure if he confirmed the date).  The special will be followed by a complete, three episode, season.  I'm very excited about this but I remain skeptical of the date and wouldn't be surprised if it got moved to late 2016.

And then we have the first official trailer for the new seasons of Doctor Who.

This came out earlier this month along with several teasers and an accidental leak of the unedited first episode and script.  Apparently when they were sending the footage to the editing team someone accidentally put it on the public website.  It was immediately taken down, and the few people that did see it were asked to keep it secret until it airs.  I've been very tempted to hunt this episode down but since it's coming out next month I guess I'll wait.

Between keeping up with the news, work, and trying to get my Power Wheels ready for the Maker Faire, I haven't had time to do much else, but I did start coming up with some ideas for a portal gun.  I suggested cosplaying at my family reunion this year, and my aunt who is in charge of it said maybe to give it more of a theme to just dress up as a character from your favorite game...  so I said: "Heck I'm going as Chell!"
I would really like to go as one of the Assassins from Assassins Creed but either making or buying all the different weapons is going to get kind of pricey so I'll save that for another time when I've got more money.

Next week: Sherlock 4 theories!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Real DW Teaser Trailer

The last teaser I had posted on my blog for series 8 was a good fan-made trailer but here is the legit BBC teaser.  This is epic!  And I thought it was coming out in the fall, September at the earliest but August? that's so close I can practically touch it!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

DW Series 8 Teaser Trailer!

It's finally here!  Hopefully this means we can expect a commercial with actual footage soon.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Power Wheels Racing

Where should I start explaining what the heck this is?
How about the quick version: adults (with the hearts of three year olds) armed with welding equipment and various power tools modify little kiddy cars to race around a track against other teams at the Maker Faire (yes it has an E at the end and it's still pronounced fair).  There are some rules: you can't spend over five hundred dollars on your vehicle, it can't be a gas motor (for safety reasons), etc.

Last year I cobbled one together and took it to the Maker Faire in Detroit Michigan (that being the closest).  The vehicle I started out with was a blue kids quad so of course I had to give it a TARDIS theme.

 It didn't end up looking much like the TARDIS but I plan on souping it up for this year.

It wasn't the fastest... in fact it was the second or third slowest, but being Doctor Who themed and being in a crowd of nerds* this helped out.  This the other thing that makes Power Wheels racing so fun.  They have a few different awards.  There's the medal for being the fastest (of course), then there are moxie points, an electronic board with buttons for each team is passed around through the crowd and they can vote for their favorite team.  Thanks to there being an abundance of Whovians there I got quite a few votes, that and I threw candy out to the crowd (yes you can bribe the audience, and yes it is legal in this racing series).

Just recently I went to an auction where they sell just about anything you can imagine, from quads and lawn mowers, to furniture, to antiques, toys, etc.  This was the same auction where I got the original kids quad to make for last years faire.  Anyway just a few weeks ago I went back and found myself the proud owner of a small go-kart frame (among other various sundry things).

This frame will serve as a great chassis for my new and improved racer.  The Detroit Faire will be taking place in July so I only have a few precious weeks to work on this.  Which brings me to an important announcement: I'm going to be slacking off on my blog for a while until after the faire.  I'll still try and post every now and then but obviously I am going to be missing a few weeks.  So have a fun summer.  Come visit the Maker Faire closest to you if you get a chance (you will not be disappointed, even if you don't make a bunch of stuff yourself it's still lots of fun to see what other people have made).  And I'll write to you later!

*When I use the terms geek or nerd to describe someone it is a very high compliment and should not be taken offensively.

If you want to learn more about the Maker Faire, where the closest location for you is or just to see what it's about, you can check out these links:

And while you're at it if you want to see more of a behind the scenes look at what goes into building one of these racers follow my facebook page:

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Cosplay for Cheap

If you're like me, you can't afford a seventy-five dollar replica of captain Malcolm Reynolds gun plus another arm and a leg for the coat, and then you've still got to buy the rest of the costume!  Well fear not fellow cosplayer!  I have the solution!
The answer to most of your cosplaying needs is...
The almighty Thrift Store.
A shudder of disgust might have just run through you spine but I shiver with excitement every time I go.  To me it's a gold mine of possibilities.  It's also good when you need a costume last minute and don't have time to place an order from the internet.  So for those of you who have never set foot in a thrift store let me give you a few pointers.

  • Know what you're looking for.
Before you even walk into the store you need to have a game plan.  Either have a picture handy of the character you're going to dress as (I usually do a quick google search then take a screen shot on my phone so I can find it again easily), or you can just make a list of specific items that you're looking for.  For example:

Let's say I'm trying to put together a costume for the 11th Doctor.  So I'm looking for:
Brown tweed jacket (preferably with elbow patches on the back),
White button up shirt,
Black pants,
Black shoes,
Red suspenders,
Bow tie (cool)!

I already had a pair of black pants and the black shoes but lets just say those would probably cost around $3 for the pants (or should I say trousers?), and $5 for the shoes.

Above are all the items I bought at a thrift store.
Coat (with arm patches, yay!) $8,
Shirt $2,
Suspenders $0.50
Bowtie $3

Total (including the pants and shoes):

  • Get creative.
Chances are you won't find exactly what you're looking for 100% of the time.  For instance I hadn't been expecting to find the coat with arm patches (that was just a big stroke of luck) so I was planning on buying the coat that came the closest in pattern and then sewing on patches myself.  Which brings me to my next point:

  • Don't be afraid to alter / modify your purchases to fit your needs.
Some things you will have to sew, cut, or otherwise alter to be just perfect for your costume.  You might want to practice sewing before you start on the actual project if you've had little to no experience before.  I try and keep my alterations to a minimum because 1. I'm lazy and don't want to have to clean off my desk for every single little thing before I can do it, and 2. I don't do the straightest stitches in the world.  But here's an example:

My Malcolm Reynolds costume.  I found some suspenders that fit the bill perfectly but the problem came with attaching them to the pants.  I bought a few buttons (so that they would match) from the store and sewed them on to the waist.

  • Keep looking.
You won't always find what you're looking for the first time, so as long as you're not getting a costume ready for an event the next day just keep going back and checking often.  Or try different stores.  Even in the smallish town that I live in there are a few different thrift stores.  By now I've made a mental map / list of which store has the best selection of what.  One store is good for a variety of shirts and pants, another one has lots of shoes, and the other carries a wide selection of coats (even in the summer).  Belts, ties, and dress suits can be found at just about any of these so I usually go to which ever one has the best price when looking for them.

A few good tips:
Soon after halloween is the best time to shop, especially for wigs.
I use a lot of wigs when cosplaying so I don't have to cut, grow out, or color my hair every time I change costumes.  While those are options I just prefer having the full costume ready to go at a moments notice.

Keep your costumes together.
As long as my costume is made up of clothes I don't usually wear, for instance my favorite t-shirt or jeans that I wear all the time, I keep most of my costumes together usually each complete one on a one heavy duty hangar in my closet.  It's even better if you can find some suit / dress bags to put over them so they don't collect dust (but a large unused trash bag will work in a pinch, the downside being they aren't usually see-through so you'd have to mark it in some way so you know what costume is inside).

Couldn't find exactly what you were looking for? or need a specialty item?
If you can't find it at a thrift store or in any regular stores in your area I would suggest the next best thing:  Online shopping.  Usually Amazon or ebay will have what you're looking for at a very good price.

Showing off a few of my costumes (all of which were purchased from thrift stores):

^ River Song
Already had the jeans and shirt.  Found the perfect jean jacket and then a wide belt (not shown, I'll get more pictures later) which I attached the holster for a cap gun pistol to.  Add a clip on flashlight and I'm all set.

< Dr. Horrible

White lab coat,
Welding gloves,
And goggle which I have since painted and attached plastic rings scrounged from a junk drawer to make them look like the welding goggle he wears.

< Sherlock (duh)

Coat from a thrift store,
Scarf from a local dollar store.

< Chell from Portal 2

I opted for going with the costume from the second game because I thought it would be easier to find orange pants and a tank top than actually finding a whole orange jumpsuit (and I was right, though even orange pants are difficult to find).  Also the long fall boots in the second game are more like boots...

rather than going barefoot with small springy stilt things attached to the back of your legs.
I really don't mind going barefoot but I'd prefer shoes if I'm going to be walking around a public and / or crowded place like comic con.

For some good pointers on how to make the long fall boots I found another blog on the subject:

Some time soon I'll try and get pictures of the full completed costumes above and some more that I'm working on (including Professor Layton and Luke).

Thanks for reading and have fun cosplaying!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Series 8 Update

In previous posts I've posted pictures and videos taken on the sets of the upcoming Doctor Who series and here's a few more.  These were taken just a few days ago (April 15th) and are from an episode supposedly named Robots of Sherwood written by Mark Gatiss.  Enjoy!

Quite a few pictures of Jenna Coleman in historical
period dress.

More of the cast and crew.

Mark Gatiss visits the set.

Peter Capaldi in Doctor / Sherlock costume?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Series 8 Updates and Ratchet and Clank

Sorry I missed last week.  But I'm back now!  Sadly I also haven't had much time to work on my Dr. Horrible costume, but my mom just got a new sewing machine so as soon as I learn how to use it making the lab coat will be a snap.
Any way, this week is just going to be a quick little blurb.  First of all I found a few new pictures and some videos taken on the set of Doctor Who!

This is going to be one of the new creatures the Doctor and Clara face.  I wish I knew more about classic Who.  I'm not sure if this is based on one of the older monsters.  I've been tracking down as many of the old episodes as I can, but let me tell you it is tough!
I found these videos on YouTube but it couldn't find the link when I tried posting them on here, so I uploaded them from my computer, so if for some reason you would like to watch it on YouTube instead of my blog I will post the link to the actual video below it.

(And this one ^ you should watch on YouTube
because they added in subtitles of what they're saying)

Side note: If you know where I can get complete seasons on dvd of any of the classic Doctors please let me know in the comments!

And for you video game enthusiasts guess what movie is scheduled to come out next year?
If you guessed Halo...
Sorry, but no.
Actually it's Ratchet and Clank!
This was one of my favorite video games as a kid.  And just recently I found this:

It does seem a little dreamworks / pixar-like but then again it's not like the games were geared toward adults, it was all little kid-ish humor.  I don't mind but I was hoping for something a little more action adventure-ish.  I haven't heard much more about it, but if you're interested they do have a website (and facebook page?) that you can get updates from.