Sunday, December 8, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Easter Eggs Continued

Here it is as promised: Part 2 of Doctor Who easter eggs from the 50th anniversary special.  And apologies for not being to post this all in one go (but this is a rather big list).

Continuing where I left off...

"The wicked witch of the well."
Reference to Hide:
"The witch of the well."
"Timey what?  Timey wimey?"  "I have no idea where he picks that stuff up."
As (we should) all know 10 was the first Doctor to use this phrase in Blink.

The BLACK ARCHIVE.  *cue dramatic music*
This could have been a whole seperate post of all the things in here so I'll just point out a few (which actually means a lot).  First thing I would like to mention is the photo board, this is the equivalent of the Doctor's facebook page.

Clara's "Last visit"
I'm not sure if this is a future reference and that just hasn't happened for Clara yet, or it could have been one of her "copies" from when she jumped into the Doctor's time stream (The Name of the Doctor), scattering herself along his time stream.
More angles of the photo board:

Captain Jack's vortex manipulator.

Rose's gun?

A part from the robot Gadget from The Waters of Mars... maybe?

River Song's shoes.  (The Time of Angels).

Amy's sonic probe, the pinwheel from her garden (in the background), and Torchwood's magna-clamps (in foreground).

This thing looks like a piece of 11's first TARDIS.

Dalek commander's armor from the episode Journeys End.

In the background sitting on top of a box is the gun that the human-daleks used in Evolution of the Daleks.

A cyberman's head... duh.

 ^ Mickey's gun to the left? and Rose's gun on the shelf in the background again?

I know there was a lot more to the Black Archive but that is a lot of stuff, and it's kind of hard to get good shots of them.


River Song's favorite line.

"So they're both you then?"
"Yes.  You've met them before."
Definitely a reference to The Name of the Doctor.  The real Clara had some recollections of her other selves lives.

And yes I know, it isn't really an easter egg but it's just so refreshing to finally have a reason for a villian monologue, other than the cliched: "Let me show you what a genius I am for thinking up this plan by telling you the whole thing before you die," reason.  Just another small bit of the many reasons I love this show.  They come up with so many new witty things.

"Is there a lot of this in the future?"  "It does start to happen, yeah."

If I'm correct there was no kissing in the classic Doctor Who episodes.  The first Doctor to actually kiss a companion was the 8th Doctor, and I believe it was only in one scene (I'll correct this later after I've re-watched 8's movie if I need to).  Before that the Doctor never really had a romantic relationship with any of his companions, it wasn't really until Rose came along.

Why Elizabeth was so ticked at the Doctor in The Shakespeare Code.  The Doctor ditched her then reappeared years later, so she was a little ticked, only for him it hadn't happened yet.

"Right then.  Back to the future."

Just the fact that he said "Back to the Future," is enough to make any sci-fi fan go crazy happy.

"Hey look: the round things."

<A previous interior of the TARDIS.

"Oh you've redecorated."
"I don't like it."

"Oh?  Yeah?  You never do."
This happened in an older episode where the Doctor meets himself, and he has used this line a few times when visiting friends, hence 11's retort:


"Did you just say Bad Wolf?"

< The look on his face #priceless

"This is the Doctor!"

1's camieo.  I love it!
Followed by this:
"You might say I've been doing this all my lives."
Appearances of other Doctors:

"All 13."
Died here when I saw this.  It was just too much.  For those of you who haven't been keeping up with Doctor Who news, the christmas episode coming up is going to be 11's last (until he comes back for a special like this, which I have no doubt he'll do).  He's going to regenerate and Peter Capaldi has been chosen to play Doctor number 12, although in this case there are thirteen versions of him but he doesn't consider himself a doctor in his ninth regeneration, not 9.  9 is actually his tenth regeneration but considered the ninth Doctor.

"I hope the ears are a bit less conspicuous this time."

Sorry Doctor, I think you just jinxed it.
Didn't think you got to see him regenerate into 9?

You can see 9's eyes.

More TARDIS interior design... as wall art?

Trenzalor.  Future and past reference here.  In The Name of the Doctor this is where the great Intelligence tricks the Doctor into coming, which is apparantly where the Doctor dies later.  And it can be assumed from the new trailer for the x-mas special...
...that we're going to be finding more about it, if not visiting it again.

"I don't want to go."
10's last words before he regenerates.  Don't worry 10, we don't want you to go either...
Also this could be a foreshadowing of 11's coming regenertion.
And I'd like to point out that this show is taking place shortly before each of these three Doctors become the next Doctor.  In 8.5's case it happened in the episode.

Two words:  Tom Baker.  End of story.
For those of you who are completly clueless: Tom Baker played the fourth Doctor and is probably the most iconic Doctor of them all.  Nearly everyone assoctiates his face and the multi-colored super long scarf that he wore for most of his run as the Doctor.  The scarf that Osgood wears looks a lot like his only it's not as long as the original.  The original scarf was around 30 feet long, if you watch the old shows and base the length of his scarf on how long it is on him you can make a good estimate.

And I should know because I bribed my crotcheting crazy sister to make one for me based on a pattern I found on a fellow Whovian blogger's page.

I measured my scarf and it's 32 feet 8 inches long, but it's not an exact replica.

"If I were you."
My head hurts trying to figure out this bit.  But I'm thinking how this could fit in is shortly before this 11 mentioned something about time lines being out of sync.  It could be since events in his life changed so much that 4 didn't regenerate when he did in the classic series but lived longer.  The events of this episode seemed to have created a parallel universe to a lot of what happened in the old TV show.

Home the long way around
From the very beginning the Doctor has been running away from Gallifrey, then it was destroyed and he couldn't think of anything but getting back to it, and now it's lost.  I think the next big chapter in the Doctor's life will be trying to find Gallifrey and bringing it back.  Maybe some day in the future we'll be seeing a few more Time Lords that aren't trapped inside a time "bubble,"  Maybe the Doctor could pick one up as a companion, like Susan or Romona.

And again, not technically an easter egg... but still, these are the best credits of all time (and space).

What I'd like to know is why wasn't Peter Capaldi's name in here?

So that's it!  I've looked over many articles talking about all the different easter eggs hidden in the fiftieth anniversary episode, and I know there are quite a few more eggs than what I've mentioned here but this would be a very big list indeed if I were to add ALL of them, so these are just my favorites and the ones that I noticed (even before reading all the other egg pages).  I hope you enjoyed me going on and on and on about this.  I know I did, even though it seemed like a chore on about picture number 78, pausing and playing the show every few seconds to get another picture, because there was a reference there.  Well have a good time!  Until next week!  Geronimo!

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