Friday, December 13, 2013

Doctor Who Legacy Game Review

Just before Thanksgiving a new Doctor Who mobile game was released.  I was going to do a review on this that weekend but then decided on writing about the Doctor Who 50th anniversary episode.  So here I am finally getting around to this.

A few pros and cons:
Pro: The game is free on the iTunes app store (I'm pretty sure it's available for other devices too).

Pro: Basic game play is like bejeweled, if you like bejeweled.

Con: Basic game play is like bejeweled, if you don't like bejeweled.
If you've never played bejeweled before then disregard either of the last two statements.

Pro:  It's about the Doctor!

Con: There seems to be some kind of story in the first part of the game (the tutorial), but after that it's mostly just matching colors and trying to beat the bad guys before they take down your health bar before you run out of time.  Also with what little story line it's a bit confusing.  At first it's going along the lines that you just met the Doctor and are helping him out, but after that there is no mention of you and you seem to be playing as the Doctor.

Pro:  If you have played bejeweled before and whether you did, or didn't like it there are still some differences.
The game uses slightly different strategies.  As you go through the different levels fighting different bad guys, from the Silence, to the Weeping Angels you can collect different time fragments and / or companions, even different Doctors!  Time fragments can be used to get level ups, while the companions can build up your team to make it stronger.

Con:  You can only play it online.  If you have wifi at home or are playing it on your phone this isn't really a big deal, but for me playing it on my iPod, with the closest hotspot being almost eight miles away it kind of sucks.

Con:  The pause button.  (Close up of IMG_3009).  It's super tiny.  I don't know if it was just me or my iPod, but I have to try multiple times to hit this button.   ->

Game play:
Starting off, the first time you push the button to play it will take you through the basics of how to play, plus a short "story" introduction.  You start out with Madame Vastra as a companion and pick up more friends along the way.  You have six slots to fill with one Doctor and up to five other people.  I guess the TARDIS can only hold six passengers.  You can only play as one Doctor at a time.  Say for instance in one level I found 10, so the next round I replaced 11 for 10.  However you also need to watch their different strengths (powers).  11's power is a super attack against your enemies, where as 10's heals you.  The more you use a person on your team to fight the monsters the faster they level up.  Each time you get a new level up you gain one point which you can use to increase one of three areas for that character.

If you ever forget and want to check and see which characters have a level up point available you just go to the menu.            ->

Tap the button labeled TARDIS.  Then tap the tab at the top of the screen labeled Companions.

A green arrow on a character's picture will indicate they have just leveled up and you will have a new point waiting for you.  This is when some tactical thinking comes into play.

Let's see an example of how you can decide what to do with this level up.  If you were to tap on one of these companions with a green arrow you'll see a screen like this:

Here Porridge has 1 new point (Where it says Points Left).  He's already strong in Attack points so I'll choose to either increase the health bar, or how fast he heals.

I chose to increase the health bar since I'm going up against some pretty tough enemies.  Once you hit Confirm that locks in your changes.  Be aware though!  That reset points button down at the bottom is a little deceiving.  You have to pay time crystals to reset it if you ever want to redistribute the points.
Where ever you choose to place these points it goes toward your total team.  So my changes to Porridge will increase my team's health bar.

So how do you use different characters to attack?  It's simple.

Notice how each of the characters have different colors behind their picture?  You just match three or more jewels of the same color in a row and that will cause that character to attack.  Matching pink heals you.  In the image to the right I had just matched blue, which caused some more black to fall in to place and match as well, this made a combo making their attack even stronger.  So 11 (blue), Porridge (black), and the spoon head Doctor (also blue), all attacked.

All together I thought this was a brilliant game.  It combines a popular mobile game with one of my favorite TV shows in a brilliant way, which added more elements to the game.  Again, it all just depends on your preference, but even for someone who's never seen the show, or played bejeweled, I still think they would enjoy it.

Helpful Extra:
After you hit start there will be a sign at the bottom of the screen.

Tap that and it will take you to a web page.  Through the month of December, at least, they will be giving out a 16 digit code.  Write the code down on a piece of paper.  Go back to the game and press the menu button.  Tap options.
<- Then select the Promo tab.
There you can enter your code and get rewards.

It varies from day to day so for instance one time I got a new out fit for 10, another time I got a few time fragments.

This is my first attempt at a game review.  Please let me know if there is anything I could do differently to make it better, more clear, etc.  I'm not afraid of (and even welcome) criticism if it points out what I'm doing wrong so I can write better in the future.
If you have any suggestions for other games to review (I mostly just play mobile games from iTunes) please suggest away in the comments!

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