Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Time of the Doctor is at Hand

I have been very distracted lately.  Not in a normal way.  Ever since May 18th (the date when the Name of the Doctor aired), pretty much all I did was research and get news about the 50th.  I was so consumed waiting for that to come out that I almost forgot the little bits of news I'd picked up along the way about the special coming out in December.  Well now I'm back on the scent.  Supposedly this is going to be Matt's last episode as the 11th Doctor.  But remember: Rule 1.  Steven Moffat lies.
I know that Matt Smith said he was leaving Doctor Who, and I believe him... but he didn't say when.
The detective part of my brain kicked into gear the second I started watching the trailers and saw the pictures.
I got these pictures off of BBC's website.
Take a look at the first two pictures.  Where have we seen something like this before?
That's right, Journey's End.
The first time you watch this you think the Doctor's going to regenerate, right?  Well he doesn't.  Instead he pulls a metacrisis and stays alive, at least for a little while longer.
Could 11 do something similar in this episode?  What if he creates another meta-crisis clone who gets downloaded to the same computer that River was saved to so they can live happily ever after together?
Pardon me while I go cry in a corner.

Okay I'm back.  Another reason I suspect something fishy is up is that it's been mentioned Peter Capaldi doesn't take over as the Doctor until next August.  Maybe they'll let Matt have a few specials in between now and then like they did with David Tennant.  He got five more episodes after Journey's End.  Which everyone back then suspected was his last.  I really think this would be fun but whatever happens I'm sure it will be good.  I'll probably shed a few tears over 11's passing but I've already survived a few regenerations and know that they always do a fantastic job of picking the next Doctor.  I'm sure the BBC won't let us down now.
In addition to the pictures above there has also been a few new trailers released for The Time of the Doctor.  And here they are,
Any more videos that I find after this I will post here as well, so keep an eye out for updates.
My apologies again but my internet / computer went hay wire again so right now I can only post these as links.  I will come back and redo this later when my computer decides to behave.

Next week I'll be talking about spoilers, trailers, and leaked news for Sherlock series 3!

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