Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Little Fan Fiction and Complaining about My Computer

Hello fellow fans!
I had planned on writing about the newest episode of BBC's Sherlock, but I still haven't seen it yet!  I was going to stream it on New Years day but due to the weather (it was turning pretty nasty, making the roads rather precarious) we had to get back home... where we have dial-up modem stone age crap for internet, if you can call it that.  It blocks "bad websites" meaning YouTube and every other social media site.  Even if it would let you use YouTube it would take several hours to load a 15 second teaser trailer!
Okay enough of my griping.
The long and short of it is: I haven't been able to watch Sherlock and The Empty Hearse.  I even read earlier that it would be available on iTunes on the 9th... but no, apparently that's only in the U.K.

Side note: Does anyone know how to successfully switch to a U.K. account on iTunes so that you can buy their programs ahead of time without having to wait for it to come out in the U.S.?
I was able to view it in iTunes, but I couldn't purchase it.  A message popped up that said something to the effect of: I wasn't authorized to make payments in the U.K. version of iTunes.

So instead of a review on Sherlock, I decided to post the first part of my fan fiction crossover short story.  Bear in mind this is only the first draft so please pardon any mistakes, actually feel free to point them out so I can correct them.  I talked about this a little last week.  One other thing, you'll notice in the very beginning there is a blank where Captain Picard would have put the date in his log.  I left this blank for now because I'm not quite sure where this is in their time line so I want it to be accurate and I'll add in the correct date later.

So, here it is...

Captains log, star date ________________.  Another federation star ship the Intrepid was attacked by Romulans just outside their zone.  We successfully retrieved the survivors and are on our way back to the nearest Star Fleet command post on Zera IV.  Our warp engines are malfunctioning due to several hits taken from the Romulans forcing us to travel slower than we normally do.  Upon reaching Zera IV we will retrieve sufficient parts to repair the ship.

Captain Picard signed off the entry log.  The Romulans had given them a hard time, and he hated fighting back, but when it was necessary... it couldn't be helped.  The long put off war could start now because of this.  The Romulans were always looking for an excuse to fight.  Of course they would say the Intrepid fired first and broke the treaty.  Picard sighed and rubbed his temples.  Why couldn't the Romulans just accept peace?  Didn't they know there was a different way of life than fighting?  Of course, he told himself, not long ago the human race was quite the same when they were confined to their home planet: always bickering amongst themselves and starting wars with each other.

Outside all was peaceful.  Rocks and space dust sailed harmlessly past.  Wesley Crusher stood staring out at the sights as they glided by.  The robot android, Data, slowed down as he approached the young human.  He cocked his head to one side watching Wesley.
"Amazing isn't it?"  Wesley said.  "We usually go past it so fast I sometimes just forget how big space really is."
"But you have seen it many times before," Data said.  "And yet you are still fascinated by it."
"Of course," Wesley said.  "There is something new and different out there at every turn.  It seems like every day I see something I've never seen before."
"And this excitement never "wears off" as you like to say?"
"I don't think anyone gets used to all this."
Data cocked his head again.  "I am still not sure I understand."
Wesley thought a minute.  "It's just like you.  Your curiosity about us never wears off, does it?"
"I suppose you are right," Data said.
"Can I ask you something?"  Wesley asked.
"Of course."
"It's kind of personal."
"Another concept I am still not fully acquainted with."
"Um, well, why do you want to be human?"  Wesley asked.  "We've got all sorts of problems, we get sick, we get hurt, we die, we're not near as smart."
"While I may be "smart" in some areas," Data said.  "As you have observed, I am not as well versed in human, and other living organisms behavior."
"Yeah, but-."
"Curious," Data said looking out the window.
"What?"  Wesley said following his gaze.
"That," Data pointed.
A blue ball of light was growing in size some distance away.
"Looks like a star," Wesley shrugged.
"It is not a star.  It's coming towards us, and it appears to be getting larger."
"So we're just going towards it.  It just looks like it's getting bigger," Wesley suggested.
"Not given our current velocity," Data said.
"Is it dangerous?"
"I certainly hope not.  But I should report it just in case."
Without warning the light surged forward and hit the Enterprise with a shock wave of crackling energy.  The ship was thrown on it's side.  Alarms sounded.

Picard picked himself up off the floor of his cabin and tapped his com.
"Captain Picard to the bridge.  What was that?"
Will Riker, 2nd in command answered from his post at the helm.  "We're not sure yet sure.  Some kind of blast."
"Any casualties?"
"No sir.  None reported."
"Good.  How's the ship holding together?"
"The Enterprise isn't moving.  We're running diagnostics now but it seems to have knocked out some of our sensors."
"I'll be up shortly," the captain said.

The doors slid open automatically for the captain.  He stepped into the main control room of his ship.  He thought of it as the Enterprise's brain, and indeed the crew members rushing back and forth now reminded him of electrical signals sending messages to the rest of the "body" telling it what to do.
"Any further reports?"  Picard asked his Riker.
"Not yet sir.  We're still trying to fix the sensors."
"And no idea what hit us?  Was it an attack?"
Data and Wesley stepped on to the bridge at that moment.
"I do not believe so Captain," Data said.  "Wesley and myself witnessed the event and it appeared to be a natural phenomenon."
"What kind of phenomenon?"  Picard asked impatiently.
"Of that I am uncertain Captain."
"Can you describe what happened?"
"It was this sort of blue light, sir," Wesley said.  "I thought it was a star at first, but Data said it was coming towards us, then it just sort of exploded."
"A dying star maybe?"  Lieutenant Geordi suggested from his place at a computer.
Wesley shook his head.
"No," Data said.  "There was no debris.  It was composed of a form of energy: electric in appearance."
"Lieutenant Worf to the Captain," a voice spoke from the ship's com.
Picard to a seat in the captain's chair and pressed a button on the arm.  "Go ahead Lieutenant," he said.
"Sir, I've found an intruder in engineering."
"An intruder?"  Picard said.
"Yes sir.  I asked him what he was doing down here but he's just talking nonsense."
"How did he get on board?"
"I don't know sir."
"Bring him to the bridge," Picard said.  "I'd like to have a word with him."
"Yes sir."
"Picard out."
"You think he had something to do with this?"  Riker asked.
"Our intruder's appearance seems rather conveniently timed," Picard remarked.
"Just what I was thinking," Riker said.

Three minutes later Worf, a Klingon, stepped through the sliding doors with a handsome man in a brown suit.  The man looked around the room taking it all in, a look of childish glee on his face.  He didn't even notice Picard approach him until he spoke up.
"Who are you and what are you doing on my ship?"  Picard asked rather harshly.
The man's eyes snapped to Picard.  He grinned.  "'Ello," he said with a British sounding accent.  "You must be the Captain.  I'm the Doctor, and, I am sorry about this.  It was a bit of an accident."

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