Saturday, January 18, 2014

10th Doctor: Everything at Once

This past week was rather busy for me and I had lots of ideas of what to write today, unfortunately all of them need more tweaking or more time.  So yesterday I was listening to the radio when a song called Everything at Once came on.  One spot in particular made me instantly think of a quote from Doctor Who.  I decided to throw together a video for YouTube.  This is the finished result:
I hope you like it!

Originally I was going to have clips of 9, 10, and 11, but it morphed into just Ten for several reasons.
First because that was just way to many episodes to sort through to find what I needed, second, because all the lyrics could easily just describe Ten, and last, Ten is definitely my favorite Doctor (although I do still love the others).  Sorry to anyone who doesn't agree with that last statement, but this is my blog, and I can write what I want.

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