Thursday, December 5, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Easter Eggs

Sorry for posting this a day late.  I've been having an internet nightmare, although in all fairness I did have this post all typed up and ready to go.
But enough about that.

How was everyone's Thanksgiving?

Since everyone has hopefully seen the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special: The Day of the Doctor, I thought I would talk about that.
Here are some of my favorite Doctor Who easter eggs from the 50th anniversary episode.

There are several good ones just in the first few seconds of the show.
First the title sequence.

You may have noticed it's a bit different than the 11th Doctor's normal theme.  That's because it's from the 1st Doctor's series.

Then there was the policeman.

Also from the very first episode of Doctor Who.
He walks past a sign for I.M. Foreman Scrap Merchant, the scrap yard, located at the address on the sign, is the first place we see the TARDIS parked in the very first episode: An Unearthly Child.
And in case you didn't know the Doctor's first companion, his granddaughter Susan, went to school at this very same school where Clara is now teaching.  Two of Susan's teachers, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, become traveling companions to the 1st Doctor when they follow Susan to the scrap yard and discover the Doctor and the TARDIS.  Now take a look at the school sign:

Notice that Ian is now the chairman of the school.

"Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be, be one." - Marcus Aurelius.

 I believe this was a reference to the Doctor's inner conflict beating himself up that he was no longer a good man because of what he'd done in the Time War.  There are several times when the Doctor is referred to as "a good man," namely in the episode: A Good Man Goes to War.  Also there are the words No More, which was one of the alleged names of the gallifreyan painting and is a phrase used often throughout the episode.

The time on the clock reads 5:16, which is when the very first episode of Doctor Who aired on television for the very first time.

Also the activation code for Jack's vortex manipulator 1716231163 is the time and date that it first aired: 17:16 (military time for 5:16), 23rd of November, 1963.

Apparently the Doctor lets Clara borrow his anti-gravity olympics bike, the motorcycle from The Bells of Saint John.

 The TARDIS on a quantum mechanics book... ?

 The TARDIS has gone from disliking Clara in previous episodes, to now allowing her to close the doors by snapping her fingers, which has previously only been something the Doctor could do.

"...Also ravens of death."  
"The ravens are looking a bit sluggish.  Tell Malcom they need new batteries."

Remember before when we thought she was joking about the ravens?
Oh and while I'm on this picture, people new to the fandom might be asking: "who are these two random people?"
Looking at the second picture the girl in the scarf's last name is Osgood.  In one of the classic Doctor Who episodes (The Daemons) there was a UNIT soldier named Tom Osgood, it's highly likely this woman is related to him somehow.  Then there's the woman in the right half of the picture.  That's Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, who it was revealed in The Power of Three was brigadier Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart's daughter.  The brigadier was a good friend of the Doctor's who appeared throughout several of the classic seasons.

These really aren't easter eggs but just this was enough to get me bouncing up and down like a maniac.


"The high council is in emergency session."
This is happening at the same time as this:
 In The End of Time
The realism of this:
 A dalek getting flung out of it's armor.

"How do you work?"
"Why is there never a big red button?"
Even then the Doctor had a love for great big threatening buttons!

"It's just a wolf."
Screaming so loud internally I thought everyone could hear it.

"Stuck between a girl, and a box: story of you life, eh Doctor?"
#So true.  Never described more accurately.

 Rose Tyler / Bad Wolf!  However she is just the Moment's interface: Time Lord technology, a sentient being, very similar to the TARDIS's conciousness.
"-It's from your past.  Or possibly your future.  I always get those two mixed up."
"Me.  Are you going to steal me?  No you have stolen me.  You are stealing me.  Oh!  Tenses are difficult, aren't they?"

 Another scarf sighting!  Could these be memories of the Doctor's childhood?

 Is the Moment somehow using Bad Wolf's power to open time rifts?

 The Doctor's phone number.  He still hasn't changed it.  It's still the same number that everyone on earth had to call at the exact same moment so he could find the planet in The Stolen Earth.
 10's first "appearance" in this episode.

 Arthur the horse?

 The Doctor says he's 904 years old so we can deduce from this, and the fact that he isn't traveling with anyone (Rose, Martha, or Donna), that he's somewhere between the episodes The Waters of Mars and The End of Time.

I have an itching feeling that Osgood is a fangirl.

The fez is back!
Interesting theory on this that I just came up with: let's start off with a question.  Why is there a random fez down here in the under-gallery?  My answer: when 11 jumped into 1562 he must have left the fez there where Elizabeth saved it for him in the under-gallery with the paintings, where 11 found it and wore it into 1562... well you get the picture.

 With the weeping angel "theme music,"
and when they started talking about stone statues, I thought for sure we were going to see the return on the angels...
I almost crapped myself for no reason!

Famous reverse the polarity line.

I think I'll stop there for now as I don't have the rest finished and I'd like to post this sometime today.  I'll continue with part two next week.  See you all then!

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