Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sherlock's Return

Happy Saturday everyone!

While I'm still mourning the loss of the 11th Doctor, at the same time I'm in high spirits for the return of Sherlock!  It's been what, nearly three years?  Okay, I looked it up.  The Reichenbach Fall aired on January 15th 2012!  Let me do some quick math here... oh alright, 1 year, 351 days.  But it seems like it's been three years.

While most mysteries don't generally present much of a challenge for me I have to admit: this one's a doozy.  Well done BBC.  Well done.  I look forward to discovering the truth this Wednesday and seeing if any of my theories were correct.
I wrote a post last month talking a little bit about some theories.  Click here if you'd like to read it.

Oh and another thing.  Some people have talked about not saying anything on any social media (facebook, twitter, tumblr,etc.) for a few days after the new episode comes out as pay back for series three taking so long after leaving off on such a big cliff hanger.  Please do NOT do this.  TV shows are rated based on the talk about them the first few days after they come out, and this decides whether or not they get another season.
Keeping quiet could kill Sherlock again.  I repeat: do NOT keep quiet!  If you want to pull some kind of practical joke on the people responsible for making us wait for so long, fine, I don't care.  But don't hurt the show!

As usual I'm sharing all the trailers I've found so far concerning the newest series, including a mini-episode!  I was very excited at this.  Thank you BBC!  This is great!  We've been complaining for so long about little short teasers, maybe they did this just to shut us up for a while.

and a special mini'sode: Many Happy Returns

I think it's interesting that Anderson is the only one that sees it.  Also Lestrade mentioned Anderson had given up his job for this.  He became so obsessed with trying to convince everyone Sherlock is still alive he lost his job on the police force!
I also had a Doctor Who moment and thought Sherlock was going to do something like 10 did in Blink.

Oh and I almost forgot the pictures.  Caution: May contain spoilers...

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