Monday, November 10, 2014

Age of Ultron Trailer Review

If you haven't seen the trailer yet.  Here you go.

You're welcome.

I prefer the extended version of the trailer 'though because of the beginning.

It seems to tell a little bit more of the story of what's going on.  I'm assuming Tony started tinkering and didn't know when to stop and that somehow made his suits / computer go power crazy and take on a life of their own.
Just for your information I do know my comics and yes I know Ultron was originally created by Dr. Pym, but when has any of the new Marvel movies stuck exactly with the original story?  Even the first Iron Man movie there were differences.  For one Stark was Iron Man for some time before coming up against Obadiah Stane / Iron Monger, Obadiah actually owned a different company before that and renamed Stark International as Stane International when he did, and when Iron Man did defeat Iron Monger Stane blew his own brains out.
But enough about that.  I just wanted to prove I knew what I was talking about.
Back to discussing the trailer...
This is one of them that I wondered if they would ever get around to doing.  I also really hope it's in it for longer than two seconds like all the cameos of all Tony's suits in Iron Man 3.  I mean come on.  Each suit can only handle one punch and they burst into a million pieces, just because the guy was kinda hot?  And yet before that an older suit was able to withstand and actually absorbed a lightning blast from Thor?  Why didn't it fry everything?

Also when watching the extended trailer, in the beginning scene, something I realized: the only one who came close to lifting Thor's hammer.  I realized it wasn't because of Cap's super strength that he budged the hammer, strength has nothing to do with it, but remember why he was chosen to receive the super soldier serum?  It's because of his good, worthy, heart.  Just giving someone super powers is not a thing to be taken lightly.  You would want to chose well: someone who wouldn't abuse their new powers and use them for evil, but instead someone who would always use them for the good of others and to protect the innocent.  That's why Steve was able to move Mjölnir.

This geek moment brought to you by the Phantom.


And I have to say just the music playing in the background in context with Ultron, this made one of the creepiest Marvel trailers I have ever seen.

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