Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dr. Horrible Cosplay Part 1

Just a day or so ago I got a hold of a copy of guess what?

This is one of the only low budget musicals that I actually like.
If you haven't seen it yet I have to warn you it is slightly cheesy, but it was actually supposed to be like that.  What other movie has a evil genius going up against a super-jerk and they break out into song every two minutes?  ... and it's written by Joss Whedon so it's gotta be good!
Slight spoiler: I watched it for the third time in a row yesterday and was crying like a baby, again.  So by the end of the movie you're doing this:

Don't say I didn't warn you.

I'm not just here to talk about the movie.  I'm working on a project.
My family cringes and there is a collective murmuring of: "Oh no.  What now?" when I say those five words.
I got the movie so I could use it as a reference for my Dr. Horible... um, that's spelled with two Rs.  H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E.  (That was an actual spelling error and I was going to correct it but how could I resist. *wink, wink*) ...costume!  That's right!  I love cosplay and who better to impersonate than Dr. Horrible?
I've put together quite a few costumes from my other fandoms (mostly lot's of Doctor Who characters), so why not Dr. Horrible?
I just purchased some of the materials today, so I don't have any pictures yet.  But I'm hoping by next week I will have a few of the things complete and I will post instructions ASAP.  The goggles will probably only take a few hours... basically I just need to paint them.  The freeze ray looks easy enough if I can just find all the supplies... but the stun death ray, and the coat are going to take some time coming.
Right now I'm going to be focusing on the white coat that he wears for the majority of the time but I'll save the pattern and eventually make the red coat of horribleness.

Pictures will be coming soon!
See you next week!

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