Monday, November 25, 2013

New Sherlock Trailer!!!!! #SherlockLives

On November 23 (the day of the Doctor) BBC put a new trailer for Sherlock series 3 on their YouTube channel!!!  And here it is!
I am so excited!  Just when I thought I could distract myself from Sherlock by waiting for and watching Doctor Who's 50th special... thanks BBC, thanks a lot.  And what do you mean by: "Coming soon"?  Really?  JUST GIVE US A DATE!!!
I've got a big mix of emotions, for one thing, this really is a teaser trailer because it seems like they're taunting us.  "You wanted Sherlock?  We'll give you a trailer that gives you pretty much no relevant information, and you'll still have no idea when it's coming out! Nah nah nah nah boo boo!"
While on the other hand...
That means that they're getting closer!
And if you do a little research, which I have of course, you'll find that they're done filming all three episodes and that it's been scheduled to come out...

Are you ready for it?


Sometime later this year.
Give us an exact date will ya!

Unfortunately for those of us in the U.S. it actually doesn't air until sometime early 2014.  Unless you get it on iTunes, which is what I do.  Then you can see it probably the day after it airs in the U.K.

I think I'll finish there except to say: "Hang in there guys.  We've waited this long (nearly three years), I think I can stand to wait just a tad longer.

Oh and keep watching this post and my blog, as soon as I find any more commercials or released scenes I will post them either on here or on a new post on my blog.  Thanks for reading!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ultimate Survival Guide for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: What to Know Before the Show. #Save the Day

Tomorrow is the big day!
...And no I'm not talking about one direction day...

Tomorrow: November 23rd, we're celebrating the longest running sci-fi TV show.  50 years of Doctor Who!!!

For a trailers and a few scenes for the movie see my previous blog post:

So are you taking a friend to see it?  or are you new to the show yourself?  Maybe you've never even seen an episode before and would like to know a little bit more about what you're going to see.
Have no fear you've come to the right place!  or maybe the wrong place, I might give you an information overload.

First off I need to get the most common misconception of the show dealt with and out of the way.  It is not about a doctor with the last name Who.  The name of the show is actually a question: Doctor Who?  The name of the main character is unknown he simply goes by the title: The Doctor, and after introducing himself as such he is usually asked the question: Doctor who?
It is also not a boring show about a doctor without a name walking around a hospital making people feel better.  It's about an alien who looks human, with a machine that can travel anywhere in time and space.  He fights monsters and has saved the earth (one of his favorite planets) countless times.

So, all of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will... where should I start?

I think it would be best to give you a brief history of the show.
Below you'll see a YouTube video, it's actually not be me, and it was made probably a little over two years ago but it can give you a quick look into the history of the show.

If you didn't get all that don't worry I'll kind of go through some of the terminology later, sorry to scare you with such a big word but that's all it is: a word, and it's kind of necessary.  
Any way they left off at the end of season five...

So here's another video, so I don't have to type it all up of seasons 5-6

If you didn't get any of that... sorry I can't help you.
You really just need to watch the show.
Also in a special behind the scenes news report on the 50th it was mentioned that things would hopefully be explained well enough for people who have never seen the show before and this will be the first piece of Doctor Who they see.

So where can you see this special episode?  Check the chart below:

Here's a list of some basic Doctor Who terminology, things you might hear when going to see the 50th that you would normally have no clue as to what us Whovians are saying.

Well there's a good one to start with:
Whovians                  The self proclaimed title one gives to them self when they become a fan of the show.
Numbers 1 - 12         These are usually referring to the different versions of the Doctor.  For more information on each of the Doctor's visit BBC's Doctor Who info page here:

Any other people in the show?  Clara, River Song, The Ponds (Amy and Rory).
Click on this link:

Strangely enough I don't seem to see anything about Rose.  She will be in the 50th for sure.  The return of BAD WOLF!  Another term from the show: Bad Wolf referring to Rose or the message she sent to herself.  When she needed to fly the TARDIS to return a few thousand years in the future she broke looked into the heart of the TARDIS taking all of time and space into herself.  This helped her fly the TARDIS to return to the Doctor and defeat the Daleks who were about to destroy the planet.  If that didn't make any sense at all watch the two part episodes: Bad Wolf, and The Parting of Ways.  Both are available on Netflix or iTunes.

The TARDIS       The Doctor's time machine.  It's an acronym which stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space.  It can travel anywhere in time and / or space.  Theses machines utilize Time Lord technology which allows them to have a larger interior and a smaller exterior, when you hear someone say "bigger on the inside" they are referencing to this.  Fun Fact:  Once there were many TARDIS's when the Time Lords still lived.  The Doctor actually stole his TARDIS which was faulty.  One of it's problems is it has a broken chameleon circuit, so the first place that the Doctor landed the TARDIS disguised itself as a police public call box (an old fashioned telephone booth) and it stayed that way ever since... except for one of the Doctors' regenerations who fixed it temporarily.

Sonic Screwdriver         This is the Doctor's tool of choice.  He prefers this over a weapon to get him out of sticky situations.  Over the years he has had several different versions of the screwdriver.  The newest models, used by Doctors 9-11 (the two in the middle) can pick lock doors, hack into computers, or take atmospheric readings, to name just a few of it's many functions.  It's weakness's: wood and deadlocks.  For unknown reasons the sonic screwdriver is useless against wood: it can't unlock a wood door, it couldn't start logs on fire, etc.  A deadlock is a futuristic way of sealing things, probably invented specifically to prevent the Doctor from breaking in.

The Daleks - a race of mutant lifeforms that originated from the Kaledrace of the planet Skaro. Originally named the "Mark III Time Travel Machine", they were transformed into weapons of conquest by their creator, a maniacal Kaled scientist named Davros. His creations eventually turned against him, purporting they were superior lifeforms, and began to proliferate the universe as a deadly scourge that sought to wipe out any living thing that was not pure Dalek. The Daleks grew to such malignancy that they became the ultimate nemesis of the entire Time Lord race, and triggered the Last Great Time War. The Daleks are also the oldest and most despised enemy of renegade Time Lord using the alias The Doctor, a hatred that magnified with the Time War and culminated in his double genocide of both Time Lord and Dalek alike. However, the Daleks persisted in small numbers and gradually restored themselves to power once again.

Taken from:
But it changes to a different creature every time you get on this page, that's why I copied this bit here.

Time War      It's rather complicated so click here:

Anything else you're looking for will probably be explained in the movie.
Or you could look it up on BBC's website.  This seems a little easier to navigate but not all of the clips are still available.
or on the TARDIS data core.  If you really want in depth details about what you're researching and want to take the time to navigate through an impossible maze of reading for ten minutes before deciding which button to click then this is for you:

Just click through to find what you're looking for on either website.

Random fun fact:
These creatures are called the Silence by most people but it is never once mentioned in the show what they are really called.  They're first introduced as the Silence but it is made clear in a later episode that they are actually part of an order called the Silence.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Iron Man Re-done

Ever notice how a lot of movies share a lot in common with other movies?  Well I decided to show just how easy it would be to put these together into one movie, and it still actually makes sense!  I made this awhile ago based on one of my favorite movies: Iron Man!  I've been a big fan of Iron Man ever since I was a little kid, so when the first movie came out in... what was that? 2008?  I was super pumped!  Another movie that came out at around the same time was Despicable Me, so you'll see quite a lot of that mixed in.  And by the way, sorry about the words across the screen, I couldn't do anything about it then but I'll redo it later when I get the time now that I've got better video editing software.

I'm still quite proud of how well this all came together, all except those black spots in between clips, but I'll get right on fixing that.  I will update soon once I've fixed it.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Doctor Who Trailers, First Released Scene, and when I will be Posting

First off I would like to say that normally I will be trying to post every Friday or Saturday, except in important cases like this:


For those of you who haven't seen the first trailer I'm putting it right here:

And of course the recent first movie clip:

Rather disappointing how short it is and it leaves so many questions like:
Who is Elizabeth?
And why is some random person wearing 4's scarf?

Also BBC just added this minisode to YouTube.  This is a must see Whovians!

And a short trailer much like the 2nd trailer (the first one I posted) but with a few different scenes.

A slight spoiler, an actual scene from the movie... 10 MEETS 11!

I really want to give this one my own title but that would ruin it so I'll put it at the end.
Grr!  It won't let me post it on here so here's the YouTube link:

...The Return of BAD WOLF!

And another: the TARDIS flies by itself:

Funny 10th Doctor line from the 50th:

I don't own any of these, I'm just spreading them around to reach more people.  And yes they are legit trailers!  NOT fan made.

Check back often between now and November 23 for any new released clips!  I will update as soon as I find them!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sherlock's Fall Theory

Hello to all other Sherlockians reading this!  In celebration of finding the air date (it's actually for the U.S. it will air in the U.K. sometime before this), I've come up with a list of facts concerning the last episode from BBC's Sherlock: The Reichenbach Fall.
First things first I want to tell you right now it's not a complete theory.  I still have no idea how Sherlock survived.  This is just reviewing some facts that seem to fit together, and refutting some of the other theories out there that if you actually look at the facts, just wouldn't work.

The first fact that always bugged me:  What did Sherlock ask Molly to do?

This may not be all that complicated.  When I was re-watching The Reichenbach Fall for the hundreth time I realized something.  When John got the fake call that Mrs. Hudson had been shot I always thought it had been someone working for Moriarty that made the call when in fact I think Sherlock told Molly (or had her get someone else) to call John and get him out of harms way.

Something else that always bugged me: How could Sherlock be that dumb not to see through Moriarty's plan?
I mean come on!  He's SHERLOCK HOLMES!  Well I think I have an answer for all you Sherlock fans who were disappointed in your hero.
So we know from later in the show that Sherlock had a phone on him, it very well could be an iPhone, which if you know anything about iPhones they come with an app for recording you talk for voice memoes.  If Sherlock really is as smart as I think he is I believe he was recording the whole conversation with Moriarty.  He "played dumb" to get Moriarty to tell him the whole plan.  Later just before Sherlock jumped, he tossed the phone back on to the safety of the rooftop where it wouldn't be damaged by the fall.

Next point: John never saw Sherlock hit the ground.  If you don't believe me go and watch the episode again.

This was the best picture I could get at short notice so you might wan to watch this episode again to see what I'm talking about but this is early on in the conversation when Sherlock tells John to go back.  When he does this smaller building is between John and the hospital sidewalk.

The building was in the way so that John couldn't have seen the last ten or twelve feet.  I think this is probably one of the most important facts right here.
I've read a lot of other theories on how Sherlock survived and some people say that he had somebody in on it who brought out an inflatable or a trampoline or maybe he landed in a nearby dumpster.  I don't think any of these are quite true,  1. because of all the bystanders that would had to have been bribed to act like they'd just witnessed a suicide, and keep quite about it afterwards, and 2. Because Moriarty obviously had some else watching to make sure Sherlock jumped who would have seen that it was faked and would have told the assassins to go ahead and shoot John, Lestrade, and Mrs. Hudson.
Notice the truck filled with garbage bags on the right side.
The best theory that might fit is that there was a truck or a bus that pulled up that he landed on and rolled off of first before hitting the ground, again however I don't think this is right because he would have had to roll off the vehicle on to the street and then run back and lay down on the sidewalk... which I guess he could have done, but again: bystanders.

Another actually quite brilliant theory that fits is that Sherlock used a drug to make it look like he had no pulse when John reached.  If it kicked in at just the right moment it could have also saved him from getting seriously injured when he fell.  You don't believe me?  There has been numerous incedents where people who should have died in a car accident was saved (and in a lot of cases were barely hurt at all) because they were asleep and their body didn't tense up before the impact.  In fact I once heard of a guy that was camping on a mountain and rolled over the edge of a cliff in his sleep.  Anyone else should have died but the doctors said he survived only because he had been asleep at the time, in fact he was barely bruised from the fall.
So where did he get this drug?

People who might have been in on it:
The cyclist

Could be part of the homeless network.  He could have ran into John to slow him down, buy Sherlock a few extra seconds to put the finishing touches on his "illusion" (this could have included splattering some blood on him that he'd nigged from the hospital).

While Sherlock faking his death could have been easy, arranging a funeral without anyone looking into the casket or keeping people (John) from going to see a non-existant corpse in the morge wouldn't be without some help.  Not to mention Mycroft has access to CCTV all over the place, he would probably see right away what had happened if he wasn't in on it.

The paramedics

They may or may not have been.  Since Sherlock was just faking it they probably would have realised sooner or later, so there's the slight chance they knew.

This random person:

Now this person could have just been trying to help out, or they could have been trying to keep John from actually feeling Sherlock's pulse.  Now John did get a split-second to find a pulse but if my drug theory is correct then his heart rate would have been too faint for him to notice in the little bit of time he had.

Last question: Why did Sherlock have to fake being dead for so long?
After the assassins were called off why didn't he just come out and tell his friends?  Well if you read the original stories you might find the answer.  In The Adventure of the Empty House (it comes right after The Final Problem where Sherlock "dies"), Sherlock explains to Dr. Watson that he had needed to hide from three other men that worked for Moriarty, although only one comes into the story: a Colonel Moran, expert marksman.  Since Moriarty is gone who is Sherlock going to take on next?  After all "every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain."  I think it's highly likely that the writers are going to bring in Moran for at least the first episode of the up-coming series, and seeing what they've done before I have high expectaions!

BBC Sherlock, Series 2, Episode 3: The Reichenbach Falls
The Final Problem, by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventure of the Empty House, by Arthur Conan Doyle

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Another Comparison... aka who should play Altair

So I'm watching Star Trek Into Darkness and I see this:
Instantly I think of this:
Conclusion: They NEED to make an Assassins Creed movie and they NEED to get Benedict Cumberbatch to play Altair!