Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Another Cosplay

Hello again!  I'm trying to get back into the habit of posting frequently again (it's hard with a job).  :(
But I do have some things I've been meaning to talk about.

At the end of this month there's a local cosplay picnic that I will be attending (of course), so I wanted to have something good made for then.  I really wanted to go as Chell from Portal, but not only am I stuck on portal gun trying to find something good to make the white shell out of, not just foam, and then how to attach it, plus I haven't had a chance to finish the electronics, by the time I get done with that I would still have to make the long-fall boots.

So I needed something quick that I could do that would still be amazing.  I decided on Hawkeye.

At first I was thinking this wouldn't work either because I don't have anything for the costume started at all.  I was looking at pictures of his suit to see if there was a quick and easy way of making it, like my Star Trek Next Gen. shirt.  I didn't think of any but I did find a good looking cosplay for sale online (see it here).  It was kind of pricey for me but then I started thinking about it and realized if I were to make the whole thing by the time I had bought all of the material it would probably be about the same and there is no guarantee it would come out looking that good, so I ordered it and it is on it's way.  To me this feels like cheating but then I realized that loads of people don't hand make their cosplays from scratch, so I'll let it slide this time.  Pictures and review of costume to follow.

Meanwhile I still needed an arm guard, glove, quiver, arrows, and bow.  I used to do archery when I was in 4-H and my dad still has some equipment, but as luck would have it, none of it would work for this.  I could have painted one of the bows but I don't think my dad would be to happy about that.
On worlds best learn-anything-you-could-possibly-ever-want-to-now-and-never-even-thought-of site a.k.a. YouTube, I found out how to make a bow out of PVC pipe, it's quick and easy, and it can be used as a real bow.  One video their PVC bow had about a 60 pound draw, however for cosplay events I'll be using a "fake" string so that it can't be fired really.  I haven't started on the bow yet, I figure it will probably only take one to two afternoons to accomplish and then give it a few coats of spray paint.  The quiver and arrows are coming along nicely.  The quiver is my main concern, I figured that would take some time to do.  Here is what I've done so far:

Cutting PVC pipe into the correct shapes.

"Skeleton" and pattern.
I used 1/2" PVC for the middle and left over scraps
with a bolt through them as spacers, the larger pieces
are 3" PVC.  I drilled holes through them and zipped
tied them all together.

Pattern traced on to foam
(I bought a cheap camping bedroll for this).

Foam cut out and checking the fit around the PVC skeleton.

Just to compare this is the main picture I'm using for reference:
^ This is what I'm aiming for...
get it? "Aiming"

Right now the arrows are just dowel rods I've painted
black, and cut to size, I will probably be putting the
vanes on them tonight.
I will not be putting tips on them for safety reasons
as these are for cosplaying only, not to be fired.
Even if I did want to shoot them in a safe area I
wouldn't, as cheap dowel rods coming out of a 60 lbs
bow, could potentially make them explode.  If any of you
intend to make your own bow and arrows please consult
someone trained in the area first, because anything could
go wrong.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Age of Ultron is AMAZING!

I know it's been a LONG time since I've written anything on here but life happened.
Yesterday I saw Age of Ultron, and without revealing any spoilers I am just going to say WOW!  Marvel's still got it.  This is the best Marvel movie since the first Iron Man movie!
When the first Avenger's movie came out I was super disappointed, not that it was bad it was just average.  After all that time they had been hinting at doing it in the scenes after the credits of their other movies I was thinking it was going to be the greatest movie of all time, and everyone else who saw it before me said it was so my hopes were high.  I really think they were rushing to get it done.  With the second one now that they took their time it turned out a LOT better.  Two words: character development.  It felt like all of the Avengers were a main character, you were able to see inside of them a little more, and with this many people in a movie as main characters I can imagine it was no small feat to pull off.  This in a nutshell is one of the two main reasons I believe the second Avengers is so good.  The other reason was the story goal and threat was revealed much earlier in the film (I won't say anything more than that in case you haven't seen it yet).
I believe the main problems with the first movie is what the second got exactly right:
In the first they spent the majority of the movie arguing like a classroom of kindergartners, in the second from the very first you see them working as a team.
Loki wasn't a big enough threat in the first movie, if you think about it, Thor by himself could have taken him out by himself leaving the rest of the Avengers to take out the aliens, which by the way seemed kind of cheap, the aliens I mean.  What I mean by that is they've got nobody to fight through out nearly the whole movie, so they fight each other, then just so you can get your fill of action they throw in a random army of cannon fodder aliens for a big end fight scene.
Sorry, I'm just still sort of upset about the first movie.
End rant.
The point is if you haven't seen Age of Ultron yet: DROP EVERYTHING!  GO NOW!