Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sherlock Series 4?

Hopefully by now you've all seen series 3 of Sherlock, if not wait and read this later because I will mention some a few spoilers here.

In the last episode of Sherlock it appeared as if Jim Moriarty had somehow come back to life as well leaving us on yet another Sherlock cliff hanger which the show is becoming notorious for.  I'm not quite sure that it actually is Moriarty but possibly somebody trolling Sherlock.  This may have nothing or everything to do with it but just a few minutes before this in the show Mycroft mentioned another Holmes brother.  I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say that Jim was Sherlock's long lost twin, but then again, with this show, you never know.
So when might we expect our favorite consulting detective appear on TV again?
The possibility of a date for the series four premiere varies.  Some from the BBC are pushing for a christmas special this year, but if this were the case they probably would have started filming.  Also Steven Moffat said that this was something that can't be rushed.  In other words we might have another long wait before us.  If I had to guess I would say it will probably come out by 2015, for the reason that if they would need to get moving on the 4th if they ever want to get a fifth season out, which Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat have been discussing, and as much as I hate to think about it: actors do age.  At the same time however, it might be a little too much to expect it by December seeing as how Steve and Mark are pretty occupied with the new series of Doctor Who.  In the mean time I put together a little video for the fun of it based on Moriarty's "return."

Please don't get me wrong I am not a Jim Moriarty fan-girl.  I just recognized the similarities between him and Glados from the game Portal (another fandom of mine), and I thought this would make a good video.

And this weeks bonus:
Guess what's coming out August 1st Marvel fans?
Guardians of the Galaxy!!!
I don't know how I missed this one when I was making my list of movies to see last week, but here it is.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tribute to Fallen Characters

Something I mentioned last week made me think of this:
Why does every fandom I join so strife with heart ache?

It's not that every show I watch someone dies every other episode, or every book, every other page...

but it does seem to happen a lot.

And it changes the story completely, it will never be the same without that one person,

but yet I press on to find out what happens next.

I don't leave because one of my favorite character dies.

I guess you could call this post my tribute to fallen story heroes.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Legos, Movies, Sherlock Series 4, and Doctor Who Series 8

First of all sorry I missed posting last week.  I had way too many things going on.  Believe it or not I actually do have a life outside of TV and the internet.  So long story short I didn't have time to research and type up everything, so I've made this one a little bit longer than the usual to make up for that.

Today I have quite a few things I'd like to talk about: news about the new Doctor Who series with the brand new 12th Doctor played by Peter Capaldi, the choices for the next new Lego sets (they've got some good ones!), speculation and rumors for Sherlock series 4, and other upcoming movies.

I'll talk about Legos first.  It's been some time since I've researched any proposed Lego sets, but I happened to see something about a lego set related to one of my searches.  So I clicked on the link and read all about it.  This is probably the most excited I've ever been for a Lego set to come out.  There is no doubt I will own this set as soon as it becomes available!  What is it I'm so excited about?  Take a look:

It's not officially for sale yet, and might not be.  How it works is several different ideas for new Lego series are put to this commity and they're researched and voted on, and even we get to vote on which one we would like to see in stores so that we can purchase them.  So what other sets is Sherlock going up against?  I have to admit all of these are great ideas and I would really like to own a lot of them:

Adventure Time Tree House

A Cool Japanese House

An awesome transforming mecha bot,

Zelda play set,

And... HOLY CRAP!  The Back to the Future DeLorean!
Looks like it's remote controlled too!

For more about these amazing Lego sets click here.
For more info on the Sherlock set click the link below.

Lego has also teamed up with Google Chrome and they came out with a really neat building challenge program.

And now on to the exciting bit:
Doctor Who, Series Eight!

There hasn't been a whole lot on this but there have been some leaked pictures of the filming the first episode in Cardiff.
"Look at me. I'm in shock.  I've got a blanket."
There have also been some interesting rumors.  Peter Capaldi had made an appearance a few years ago with the 10th Doctor in The Fires of Pompeii.  After Peter was revealed as the 12th Doctor, Steven Moffat was asked if the show would bring in any connection to these two characters, was it actually 12 in Pompeii?  Moffat said in an interview that Capaldi's previous appearances in both Doctor Who and the spin off Torchwood would not be ignored.  Plus there has been rumors of an episode called The Ghosts of Pompeii.

To see more pictures and read more about series 8 check out this link.


And now for Sherlock.  Hopefully all of you have seen all three episodes now that it has aired in both the UK and America.  If you haven't don't worry, I won't reveal any spoilers, except one, and that is that the last episode ended on another big cliff-hangar.  From that and what the producers of the show have hinted we can at least expect a series 4 and there have even been rumors of a series 5.  Yes!

Hopefully these will come out much quicker than what it took for them to make the third season.  If the next episode airs next new years I would be very, extremely happy.  That just goes to show you how desperate us Sherlockians are.  Most fandoms lose there sanity if they have to wait more than a few months for the next season to come out.
... except I can't really say that about Firefly enthusiasts... I know because I'm one of them.  I have way to many fandoms that crush my heart.  It's almost like I enjoy the pain.


As a bonus for this week here is a list of some of the movies coming out later this year.  I really want to see all of these but I have to be honest, I'm not that excited about Transformers.  Unless they start improving and quit doing the same thing over and over again they're getting more and more boring.  But still, I've been a Transformer junkie since I was five watching the cartoons and collecting the toys, so I'll probably end up watching the movie.

Captain America

The Amazing Spiderman 2



How to Train Your Dragon 2


The Hobbit 3