Friday, January 9, 2015

Half-Life and Ant Man

Hello everyone,
apologies again for not writing in a while.  This is just going to be be a quick one.
So I started work on another fandom theory not to long ago after getting both Half-Life games from a Steam sale.  I didn't remember all that stuff about G-Man when I played the first game years ago, but now that I have played through both of them I just had to know more about this mysterious character.

A quick google didn't yield much.  YouTube let me down pretty bad too as far as a decent theory on even who this guy is.  Since there haven't been many good theories with very clear evidence I have embarked on the quest to unravel this (nearly) three decade old mystery.  This might take some time as I have to do a lot of research, and have to look for the tiniest easter eggs in the game (a lot of the time not even knowing what I'm looking for).  I would appreciate any suggestions or even theories of your own, or if you were playing Half-Life and you noticed anything strange or unusual (even if you don't think it has anything to do with G-Man).  Just comment below.

Also during my search I watched quite a few short fan made movies and I have to say: the Half-Life fandom rocks!
Out of all of the fan movies that I have watched so far I have not yet seen a truly terrible video, in fact most of them were very, very, well done, even the acting wasn't super cheesy like it is in a lot of home movies.  You can really tell that these people put a lot of time and effort into them and that it was something that they cared about, and really enjoyed doing.  I may put together a playlist on my YouTube channel later of all these great videos that I keep finding.
I just had to say that because last night I found another video and as I was watching it I was thinking how fantastic and epic this opening sequence was.  Then when it went to the credits, well, just watch it.  If you're a fan of the game you will get it right away.

If you've played this game... admit it: you have pressed the buttons on the microwave at least once.  I nearly died laughing watching the security cam part because this is exactly what everyone does that has played this game or other similar games.

Marvel has finally released a trailer to the public for the movie Ant Man.  Ant Man is coming out in July and the Avengers II in May so I'm still not sure how they're going to work Dr. Pym into everything going on with Ultron and what not, but whatever.

I'd just like to say right now though: I think they just redid Peter Quill's Star Lord costume minus the jacket.  Is Marvel really getting that cheap?  Don't get me wrong I love Star Lord's outfit.